How do you take care of your new home? After all, a new home should be free from damage and wear. Yet, even a new home requires intention and a plan to keep it in top shape. For most people, a home is their biggest investment. Protect that investment by practicing good maintenance right from the start.

Begin by scheduling a home inspection before you close on your new home. 
Even though the home is new, you still need a buyer’s inspection to identify issues. 

At Kenco Home Inspections, we offer new home inspections. Our expert inspectors evaluate the current condition of the home so you can address any problems with the builder before you close.

Home Maintenance Tips for New Homes

1.     Keep Track of Any Issues

Develop a system to track any issues with the home and communicate those issues to the builder. Most new builds include a one-year warranty which holds the builder liable for repairs for any problems that occur within the first year. 

Read the warranty and ensure you understand what’s covered. Be mindful of the warranty expiration date and be sure to address issues prior to that date. 

2.     Build A Maintenance Calendar

It’s tempting to ignore maintenance in a new home. However, tasks like changing the HVAC air filters and cleaning the gutters still matter. If you stay on top of these tasks from the start, you can keep your home in better condition for longer.

Make a list of regular maintenance tasks and set reminders in your calendar. Some service providers offer programs for ongoing service where they will send automatic reminders when service is due. 

3.     Stay on Top of Lawn Care

Yards can get out of control quickly. In warm climates like Southeast Florida, lawns require care year-round. Whether you plan to care for your lawn yourself or hire a landscaping service, start right away. 

Know how to care for your lawn. For example, if you have new sod, ask when you can first mow the lawn and the watering schedule. Check for leaks in the irrigation system periodically. The goal is to keep your new lawn looking great.

4.     Create A List of Service Providers

Don’t wait until you have a problem to search for home service providers. Instead, build a list of recommended companies. Ask friends and families for recommendations. Then, contact the companies to ask about maintenance plans and to check references. 

When you do have an issue, you’ll have a plan in place to deal with the problem. This helps ensure you receive service from a reliable and effective company.

5.     Keep It Clean

One of the best things about a new home is the clean slate. You get to start fresh and make your home what you want it to be. One way to create a comfortable home is by keeping it clean. Develop a cleaning schedule for weekly cleanings, like bathrooms and vacuuming.

Then, add periodic tasks, like washing curtains and cleaning air vents. If you develop a schedule, you are more likely to clean regularly and avoid a future mess.

Enjoy Your New Home

A new home is a wonderful gift for your family! Remember, it is much easier to keep a home looking and working great from the start.

At Kenco Home Inspections, we offer new home inspections to ensure your new construction meets your expectations. Contact us to schedule an inspection today!


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