The new year is a great time to start fresh. This includes a focus on home maintenance tasks and home updates. In January, consider those tasks that add value the entire year and get you off to a solid start. Plus, many people have a few days off work over the holidays which makes a great time to accomplish a few things around the house.

New Year’s Home Maintenance Tasks 

1.     Purchase New Appliances

If you’ve needed new appliances but haven’t taken the plunge, this is the time. Often new appliance models come out in the late fall or new year. Retailers, both in-store and online, frequently run appliance sales and promotions in January. 

New appliances offer more than just a fresh look or improved performance. Many new appliances have energy efficient features that help you save money on utility costs. Also, some local governments or utility companies offer incentives when you purchase energy efficient appliances.

2.     Check for Water Leaks and Make Repairs

Did you know that the average United States household wastes almost 10,000 gallons of water annually due to water leaks? That adds up to lost utility costs each month. Thankfully, most water leaks are relatively easy to repair.

Start investigating for water leaks by looking for dampness under sinks and toilets. Also, listen for toilets that run. Replacing faucets and toilet flaps often fix the issue. You can start the new year confident you aren’t wasting water or causing water damage to your home. 

3.     Conduct a Home Safety Check

Home safety features help keep you and your family safe. Start by checking your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Most have a lifespan of around 10 years. If your units are older than that, consider replacing them.

Inspect your fire extinguisher. Much like the smoke detectors, fire extinguishers have a life expectancy of around 10 years. Replace old or missing fire extinguishers. Also, remember that once you use a fire extinguisher, you need a replacement.

4.     Refresh Linens and Bath Accessories

This one may not seem like a home maintenance task, but it is important for your family’s health. Dust, mold and mildew build up on linens over time and impact asthma, allergies and indoor air quality.

In the bathroom, clean or replace bath mats and shower curtains. Check for mold or mildew on soap holders, shower walls and other areas in the bathroom. For other areas of your home, clean bedspreads, curtains and rugs. Not only will your home look and smell fresher, you’ll breathe easier.

5.     Schedule a Home Inspection

Even if you aren’t buying or selling a home, you can schedule a home inspection. The goal with a home inspection is to determine the current condition of your home and identify areas that need attention. If you aren’t sure where to start with home maintenance, a home inspection can help.

Contact Kenco Home Inspections

At Kenco, we serve communities in Southeast Florida with quality home inspections. We offer full home inspections, specialized inspections and ancillary inspections. 

Visit us online or call today to schedule your home inspection.


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Happy Holidays 2020 from Kenco Home Inspections