Prepare Your Disaster Supply Kit for Hurricane Season

Are you ready for hurricane season? With hurricane season upon us, preparing yourself and your family for potential disasters is essential. One of the most important things you can do is to have a disaster supply kit ready.

Hurricanes can be devastating and unpredictable, and preparing for the worst is crucial. A disaster supply kit can make all the difference in a crisis. 

What is a disaster supply kit?

A disaster supply kit is an essential collection of items necessary for survival in the event of a natural disaster. The articles within the kit should be enough to sustain you and your family for at least three days, although some experts recommend having supplies for up to two weeks. 

What items go in a hurricane disaster supply kit?

A hurricane disaster supply kit should contain essential items to help you and your family survive in case of an emergency.

Include the following items in your disaster supply kit:

·      Water – at least one gallon per person per day for drinking and sanitation

·      Non-perishable food – enough to last for at least three days

·      Flashlight and extra batteries

·      Battery-powered or hand-crank radio

·      First aid kit

·      Whistle to signal for help

·      Sturdy waterproof shoes and rain gear

·      Dust mask to help filter contaminated air

·      Moist towelettes, garbage bags, and plastic ties for personal sanitation

·      Matches in a waterproof container

·      Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities

·      Extra cash, prescription medicine, and essential documents in a waterproof container

·      Can opener for food

·      Pet supplies

·      Local maps

Having a disaster supply kit ready can help you and your family in an emergency. Take the time to gather your supplies now before hurricane season begins. By being prepared, you can help ensure that your family will have the necessary reserves to weather any storm.

What other items may be helpful?

When preparing for storm season, you may find having other non-essential items on hand helpful.

In addition to the essential items listed above, here are some additional items that could be useful during hurricane season:

·      A portable generator and fuel

·      Waterproof tarps or plastic sheets

·      Duct tape

·      Emergency cooking supplies, such as a camp stove and fuel

·      A crank or solar-powered phone charger 

·      Candles 

·      Sewing kit 

·      Paper towels and other disposable paper goods 

·      Chlorine bleach and wipes 

·      Knife and other hand tools, like tweezers and scissors

·      Small fire extinguisher

Be prepared for the storm

Being prepared for a hurricane can make all the difference. Stay informed about the storm so you know what to expect and when to act. Follow local advisories and listen for updates from your local news station or other reliable sources.

By taking the time to prepare yourself and your family properly, you can help ensure that you have the necessary supplies in case of an emergency.



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