5 Tasks to Improve Spring Allergies for Your Family

Do you dread the spring season every year because of seasonal allergies? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans suffer from allergies during this time of year. But some simple home maintenance tasks can reduce exposure to allergens and help improve your health.

Making a few minor changes around your home can significantly reduce your symptoms and make life more bearable during allergy season. Here are five tasks that should be on your radar if you want to stay allergy-free this spring.

Home maintenance tasks to improve indoor air quality and spring allergies

1. Change your HVAC air filter

Changing the air filter in your HVAC system is one of the most important home maintenance tasks to reduce spring allergies. A dirty or clogged air filter can drastically reduce indoor air quality, as it will be unable to trap allergens and other airborne particles. To improve air quality, replace your air filter every month during allergy season. This will help keep your indoor air clean and free of allergens.

2. Vacuum regularly

Vacuuming is another excellent way to reduce allergens in your home. When you vacuum, use a machine with a HEPA filter to trap dust, dander, and other particles that can cause allergies. Be sure to focus on carpets and upholstery where pollen and other allergens can accumulate. Vacuuming twice a week should be sufficient to keep allergens at bay.

3. Bathe your pets regularly

If you have pets, it’s important to bathe them regularly during allergy season. This will help reduce the amount of pet dander in your home, which is one of the most common triggers for spring allergies. Try to bathe your pets at least once a week to keep their fur and skin free of allergens.

4. Clean your windows and doors

Make sure to clean the windows and doors in your home regularly. Pollen and other allergens can quickly accumulate on these surfaces, so wipe them down with an all-purpose cleaner at least once weekly. This will help keep your home free of allergens and reduce your symptoms. By taking these simple steps, you can stay healthier and more comfortable during allergy season.

5. Use an air purifier

An air purifier can significantly reduce allergens in your home and improve indoor air quality during allergy season. Air purifiers remove particles from the air, including pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and other allergens that can trigger spring allergies. Look for a model with a HEPA filter, as this type of filter is best at trapping airborne particles.

Make your home more comfortable

Try these simple tasks to help your family feel better this spring. At Kenco Home Inspections, we care about your family and want to help you keep your home in top shape. Contact us to schedule a home inspection in Southeast Florida.


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