3 Simple HVAC Maintenance Items

Maintaining the systems in your home is critical to avoid costly repairs and extend the life of your system. One important home system is the HVAC. Your home's HVAC is also one of the most expensive systems in a home. It’s wise to take care of your unit.

When we inspect a home, we check the HVAC unit and ensure the system turns on and off. We also check for any visible signs of damage, like corrosion, dirt build-up and missing or broken parts.

If you want to avoid issues and be inspection ready, take a few simple steps to keep your HVAC in top shape.

Three Ways to Maintain Your HVAC

Most HVAC maintenance tasks require an expert technician. Your unit is a delicate system with many parts; you don't want to risk damage. Here, we'll recommend which tasks can be an easy DIY and which ones to save for the experts.

Change the Air Filter

Changing the air filter is an essential and easy HVAC maintenance task you can do. The air filter helps keep your system clean by trapping dust, dirt, and other particles from entering the unit. It also helps improve air quality in your home.

To change the air filter, locate where it is installed in your HVAC system. Most filters are in a return air duct or near the blower motor. Once you find the air filter, remove the old filter and replace it with a new one. 

Most manufacturers recommend changing the air filter every one to three months.

Clean the Outdoor Unit

The outdoor unit of your HVAC system is exposed to the elements and can become dirty over time. To keep your system running efficiently, you should clean the outdoor unit at least once a year. We recommend cleaning the outside unit once in the spring and once in the fall to remove dirt, dust and debris. When we experience extreme weather, cleaning the unit may also be necessary.

Start by turning off the power to the unit. Then, use a garden hose to spray off the outside of the unit. 

Check Refrigerant Levels

Refrigerant is an essential part of your HVAC system. It's important to check refrigerant levels regularly to ensure your system is running efficiently.

You'll need to call a professional HVAC technician to check the refrigerant levels. The technician will use specialized tools and equipment to measure the amount of refrigerant in your system. 

If refrigerant levels are low, this indicates a leak in the system. In that case, the technician can repair the leak and recharge the system with the correct amount of refrigerant.

Schedule annual HVAC maintenance to check refrigerant levels and other vital components.

HVAC Maintenance Is Vital for a Good Home Inspection Report

Following these three simple HVAC maintenance items can keep your system in top shape and extend its life. Regular maintenance will also help you avoid costly repairs and ensure your home is ready for a successful inspection.

If you are buying or selling a home, contact Kenco Home Inspections. Our expert team offers inspections for homes in Southeast Florida.


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